Denomination: Tuscany Red IGT

    Zone of production: Bolgheri.

    Grape Variety: 50% Cabernet Sauvignon e 50% Cabernet Franc.

    Refinement in french barrique 8-10 months.

    Harmonious structure, balanced and complete. The color and perfume are intense with a note of spice. It is recommended with hearty meats, wildfowl and mature cheeses rich in aromas.


    Denomination: Tuscany White IGT

    Zone of production: Bolgheri

    Grape Variety: Vermentino

    Refinement in french barrique for 2-4 months gives the wine an elegant structure with sensory hints and spicy aromas without sacrificing its strong assertive character.

    This white wine is attractive because of its delicacy, persistence, and intensity underscored by pleasant fruity undertones. Gourmet combinations: Apparso white IGT blends perfectly with fish, mildly seasoned cheese, salami and white meats, making it an ideal choice for an aperitif.


    Denomination: IGT Tuscany Red

    Zone of production: Bolgheri

    Grape Variety: 50% Cabernet Franc and 50% Cabernet Sauvignon.

    Refinement in french barrique for a period of 24 months. After this period the wine is bottled and left to refine for another 12 months.

    Intense ruby red color gradually acquiring garnet reflections after a few years of bottling.

    Prete Ribelle is structured and persistent with elegant soft tannins. Food pairing: This wine goes perfectly well with game dishes, hearty meats and medium to long aged cheeses.


    Denomination – IGT Tuscany Red

    Zone of production: Bolgheri

    Grape variety: 50% Cabernet Franc and 50% Cabernet Sauvignon.

    The ageing in stainless steel tanks enhances the freshness of its fruit notes. After a few months of refinement in the bottle, the wine begins to express the characteristics of pleasantness and drinkability.

    Gourmet combinations: Insorto blends perfectly with appetizers, salami and mildly seasoned cheeses.


    Denomination: IGT Tuscany Rosato

    Zone of production: Bolgheri

    Grape variety: Syrah

    Vineyard: with 6000 plants per hectare, we employ the Guyot breeding system. Despite being costlier, this method is favored as it allows the plant to renew itself annually, preventing long-term stem issues. The fruit from a new branch is consistently healthier and benefits from the natural characteristics of the terrain. Our vineyard operations are mechanized, avoiding the need for chemical weeding. Alcohol content: 13.5

    Pairing: delicate wine with a crunchy flavor. It pairs well with white meat, tasty fish, and sushi.

    Gourmet combinations: Insorto blends perfectly with appetizers, salami, and mildly seasoned cheeses.

The story behind our wines


Ogni famiglia ha una storia, e quella della mia, è una metafora della Storia d'Italia degli ultimi due secoli. Nel Sud d'Italia inizio Ottocento, un giovane futuro prete, figlio di un notaio, fugge con una lattaia, lasciando dietro di sé famiglia e istituzioni per abbracciare amore e fede politica contro il dominatore straniero.

II "PRETE RIBELLE" si mette a capo del suo popolo "INSORTO" e trova la morte nel 1845. In uno scontro a fuoco con la polizia del regno di Napoli nell'anno che nasce suo figlio. I genitori condannati alla “Damnatio Memoriae”(condanna della memoria). 

I giudici sentenziano che è figlio di N.N. (figlio di nessuno), questo figlio è "APPARSO" dal nulla sulle ceneri di una famiglia che ha dato la vita per questa patria. Uno dei suoi figli emigra in America a fine Ottocento e molti dei suoi figli partecipano all'ultima guerra. Dopo la guerra le sei famiglie formatesi, in cerca di fortuna si spostano dal Sud a Bolgheri dove acquistano un podere dagli Antinori.

Al mio tempo (figlio di uno dei sei) mi sposo con "BRONA" una irlandese che mi ha dato una visione internazionale, piantiamo viti e produciamo vino. 

I nostri figli vivono in USA come i loro nonni.

Corsi e ricorsi della Storia.

I nomi dei vini sono tratti tutti da questa storia.


Every family has a story to tell, and the story of my family is a metaphor for the history of Italy over the last two centuries. In the South of Italy at the beginning of the nineteenth century, a young future priest, son of a notary, flees with a milkmaid, leaving behind his family and institutions to embrace love and political faith against the foreign ruler.

The “Prete Ribelle”/ REBEL PRIEST” takes charge of his people “Insorto”/INSURGENT. In 1845 he dies in a gunfight with the police of the kingdom of Naples in the same year that his son was born. His son lost both his parents who were condemned to "Damnatio Memoriae" condemnation of memory.

The judges ruled that the rebel priest’s son is the son of N.N. (no one's son). He "Apparso”/APPEARED from nowhere on the ashes of a family that gave its life for this homeland. One of his descendants emigrated to America and later returned to fight in World War II with his sons. After the war his family moved from the south of Italy to Bolgheri in Tuscany. I in turn married my Irish wife "BRONA" who gave me an international view and so we planted vines and we produce wine.

Our children live in the USA like their grandparents.

Courses and recurrences of History.

The names of the wines are all taken from this story.

A magic corridor between the hills and the sea

Viale dei Cipressi, Bolgheri